
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Book the Cook Singapore Airlines Business Class Meals

Book the Cook is a premium service offered by Singapore Airlines where you can reserve your main course dish up to 24 hours before flying.  They have a comprehensive list of dishes available for selection, from certain departure airports, with Singapore offering the most choices.  On this blog post, I will update on the Book the Cook dishes that I have tried, for your easy reference.  All the videos and pictures are from my travel experience on Singapore Airlines Business Class.

Screengrab from Singapore Airlines website.

Classic Lobster Thermidor (ex-Singapore)
Arguably the most famous Book the Cook dish - Lobster tail sauteed in butter, flambeed in brandy, sprinkled with cheese and served with creamy mushroom sauce, garlic and spicy mustard, and buttered asparagus. 

Watch my enjoy the Lobster Thermidor below, from the 9:00 minute mark of the video.  This was on flight SQ 322, Singapore to London on the A380.  

In the same video above, you will also see the Book the Cook breakfast of Dim Sum Selection.  This is a shorter video showing just the Dim Sum breakfast.

Lobster Thermidor (ex-London)
A slightly different variant of the Lobster Thermidor is served when you fly London to Singapore. Instead of rice, potatoes are used.  The dish was beautifully presented on this flight from London to Singapore.  Watch the video below from the 9:00 minute mark for the version of the Lobster Thermidor served out of London.

Nasi Lemak
I have had this dish a couple of times for breakfast.  According to SQ website, the description is fragrant rice cooked in coconut milk, accompanied by spicy sambal prawns, fried chicken, fried anchovies with peanuts, spicy pickled vegetables (achar), an omelette wedge, and grilled fish cakes (otah).  The online reviews of this dish are not good but I enjoyed it thoroughly!  I must say that it constitutes a very hearty breakfast, and hence not suitable if you don't like eating a lot of breakfast.

Sliced Grouper Congee
Grouped cooked in rice porridge with spring onions and ginger - this was a wonderful (and light) breakfast I had on one of my flights.  An excellent choice if you want something light, yet sufficiently flavourful.

Singapore Chicken Rice, Satay, Beef Brisket Noodle
You may wonder, why even choose Chicken Rice (which is widely available in Singapore at hawker centers) on a premium Singapore Airlines flight?  Well, you've got a point there.  The first dishes I tried on Book the Cook was the Lobster Thermidor.  But there was a particular trip I made where I reckoned that after being away for some time, and flying home, the Singapore Chicken Rice meal on board SQ would be quite cool!  So I did it! (Bucket list item).  This flight was on SQ 305 ex-London.  In the video, not only will you see the Singapore Chicken Rice (lunch), you will also see the Satay Service as well as my breakfast choice which was beef brisket noodles.  The breakfast choice was  from the menu (i..e not Book the Cook).

The description of Singapore Chicken Rice from the SQ website as follows - Poached chicken, sliced and served on long-grain rice cooked in chicken broth.  Accompanied by dark soya sauce, tangy ginger and fresh chilli and lime sauces.

Citrus Steamed Sea Bass - Deliciously Wholesome Selection
Singapore Airlines added many new dishes under a 'Deliciously Wholesome' section of Book the Cook starting April 2016.  I chose a dish called Citrus Steamed Sea Bass with Lettuce Puree, Legumes, Radishes and Sunflower Seeds in Citrus Vinaigrette.  See the video from the 1 minute mark.  Certainly a mouthful of a name, and it looked pretty much like a forest when it was served.  The large chunk of white fish was refreshing and suited my taste.

Duck Rice at 35,000 feet. This was on a flight from London Heathrow back to Singapore. Served on the bone, much like what you would get in any Cantonese restaurant. May not be suitable if you are not used to eating meat from the bone though. The taste was decent, but because I just had some fantastic duck in London, it wasn't a great choice for me.

Chargrilled Soya Beef On a flight from Singapore to New Zealand. It ended up being served for breakfast, instead of supper. Why? Watch the video to find out more! To be continued as I fly more on Singapore Airlines!  Thanks for reading and watching the videos.

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