
Friday, June 27, 2014

Adventure of the Seas, Day 8, Trondheim, Part 3 (Sverresborg Trondelag Folkemuseum)

Part 3 - We left off in the last post in the middle of Trondheim City, at the Stiffsgarden.  We didn't want to wait for the next tour, so we decided to catch a cab to a nearby museum.  The cab (a Toyota Prius) could only take 4 of us.  My parents didn't want to go, choosing instead to explore the city centre some more.

So 4 of us took a cab and the cost was about 180 NOK (or 30USD).  Where did we go?

To this place.

Here is the answer - Sverresborg Trondelag Folkemuseum.  Here is a description from the Visitor Norway website:

"Open air museum with more than 60 buildings from Trondheim and the Trøndelag area. Beautiful surroundings, and from the ruins of King Sverre's Castle, you have a wonderful view over the city and the fjord. The impressive main exhibition "Livsbilder" - "Images of Life" in the new public building reflects childhood, youth, adulthood and age in a the region during the past century. The Ski museum tells the story of skiing as a competitive sport and a practical means of transport. The rural section shows the development in Trøndelag buidling styles from the fjord to the mountains, and how people lived in the 18th and 19th centuries in the different country areas."

The cafe.  Didn't see many people here though.

Wonder who these were for.  Not me.  (It turns out that this was from the cruise ship passengers on ship organized tours.)

Skyv means Push.  Quite interesting.

Here is a map of the open air museum.   The opening hours were 10am to 5pm.

Once you enter, this is what you see.

Oooh, there was a hill to climb.  Apparently, there used to be a castle on top of that hill.

Some background information.

We decided to do a broad sweep of the area.  So we walked to the houses nearest to us, and we could go in.

Used to be some small shop, selling chemicals and drugs.

This person's home.

Yups, they were the owners.  We were told they were fairly rich.

Doing some business and trade.

The living room.

Wonder if that was their daughter, feeding a cat!

Fireplace?  Not sure.

Looks like a nice living area.

His work desk.

A closer look at the map.  We were in the cluster of buildings on the bottom left, 1,2,3 area.

Apparently, he got this cabinet from China.  Interesting.

We walk on, looking at the buildings in this outdoor museum.

Not sure what this sign says.  It is in Norwegian.

This was supposedly a chemist or a pharmacist.  Think of Boots from 100 to 150 years ago.  Go back in time!

This was in the Ski museum.  Look at all the wooden skis.

I guess skiiing goes back a long way.  Maybe since the time of the Vikings?


We walk on to other parts of the open air museum.

Look at the roof.

A cow, not very interested in humans.

Yet another house we entered.

Piano.  We could even play on it.  Didn't sound great, but what can one expect?

This must be the fireplace.

A bed.

Dining table.

The roofs are interesting.  I was told they may become fire hazards during the dry months.

"This house is on fire!"  I am reminded of that song.

No idea why this shed was built into the ground.

Ship organized tours had arrived .

And now, we were on our way up the hill or knoll.

It wasn't very steep.  Not too difficult.

At the top.

Good views, but can't see the ship.

I assume these were remains of the castle.

Sunny and bright day.

There was a football field there.  I think it was a school of sorts.

I see a group of people, probably cruise passengers.

Headed back down.  Horses!

Continue to my next blog page....

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