
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

West Coast Plaza, Singapore

This afternoon, we decided to drop by West Coast Plaza to take a look. Once upon a time, this place was called Ginza Plaza.  We come to West Coast Food Centre to have our meals once in a while.  These days, it can be rather difficult to get a parking lot at West Coast Food Centre.

We crossed the road via the overhead bridge which leads us directly into West Coast Plaza. From the bridge I took this photo.  You can see those tall blocks ahead.  That is some condominium development that came up in recent times, near the West Coast Recreation Centre & West Cost Sports Complex.  We certainly know how to build many tall buildings in Singapore.

We headed to Fragrance to get some "Bak Kua" or sweet pork.  The family indulges in this once in a while.  There was some promotion going on.

Here is the promotion - Signature Sliced Tender Bak Kwa.

Bak Kua is very expensive during the Lunar New Year, at least $50/kg and with long queues!  That is when we do not buy Bak Kwa. Nobody likes the feeling of being ripped off!

Some more offers on the stand outside the store.  If you are willing to put up with loose Bak Kwa, it is rather cheap.  Right behind this stand is Cold Storage.

We bought 500 g of Bak Kwa.  It comes in this nice orange bag.  Very attractive.

While walking around, we noticed this Jalan Kayu Prata Cafe store on the ground floor.   This store must be quite new as we hadn't noticed it before.  It looked pretty crowded too.

Decided to stop for a drink and snack.  No, this wasn't our order.

Picture taken from inside the seating area, while waiting for our food.

We shared 2 plain prata.  We had expected the prata to be served piping hot. However, we were disappointed that the prata was rather cold.  Not sure why.  Perhaps they had cooked it earlier in bulk?  No reason why prata should be cold and somewhat soggy.

A snapshot of the drinks menu.

There is the prata man working very hard to fulfill the orders.  I guess something went wrong between the production and service.  By the time the prata got to us, it was cold.

Safe travels!

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