
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Port of Tauranga New Zealand Part 2 (Rotorua Skyline, Luge Ride)

New Zealand, Rotorua Skyline and Luge
After the Wai-O-Tapu wonderland, we headed towards Rotorua. This was a short drive. On the way to the Rotorua Skyline, we stopped at a supermarket to buy some water.

We have now arrived at the Rotorua Skyline. It is a cable car that brings you up the hill. From there, you can enjoy the scenery as well as take the Luge ride! Our kids were very excited and wanted to do the Luge. Since this was a family holiday, we obliged.

I recall we bought some Family Deals but I can't remember the prices. Anyway, check the Rotorua Skyline website for the latest deals.

The place wasn't crowded at all. There were many empty cable cars and no lines. There was ample parking. Here we go.

You can see the car park from here.

It was going to be a scenic ride.


Great views. It would get better as we went higher.

Rotorua city.

Cows. Wonder who owned them.

The ride took about 15 minutes thereabouts. Very scenic. Once we reached the top, we made our way to the Luge station. This sign gives some history of the Skyline Rotorua.

The Luge ride down was fun! Because our kids were too young, they couldn't ride on their own. So one kid rode with one parent. This was the chair lift, going back up.

People on top, the 'vehicle' or the Luge below.

Looking backwards. You can see that the hill was rather steep. This made for very fast Luge rides.

Kid wearing a red Skyline Luge helmet. The Luge has also opened in Singapore, on Sentosa island. The track in Singapore is shorter and not as steep. Still fun though.

The chair lift ride was fun in itself. Hope it doesn't rain!

You see Luge riders whizzing down.  This ride completely relies on gravity.  There were many kids. I think it is quite safe for kids, once they know how to control the Luge. They were all going very fast.

Wife with kid coming in.

In total, we did the Luge four times! By the 4th time, my butt was beginning to hurt. It was rather bumpy at parts and it didn't help that our Luges were extra heavy because we had our kids with us! Anyway, it was fun. The kids loved it. The adults were like a cushion for them.

Well, it was time to make our way back down, get back to the car and time to head back to the ship.

A bright day, to enjoy the scenery.

We spent more than 2 hours at the attraction so we had no more time to visit the other sites in Rotorua. I wouldn't mind coming here again. On our way back, we took the slightly longer but far easier drive back. The drive was on flat ground. We refueled the car before returning back to port. Staff from the car rental company were there waiting to collect the car. Very convenient.

We were back on board, in good time.  As this was summer in New Zealand, the days were very long, which was great. 

Yes, during this port of call, we re-stocked our bottled water supply.  While the water on the ship is safe to drink, we will usually drink bottled water while in our rooms. 

There we were, on Dec 17, 2012.

Let me share some pictures from the Main Dining Room this evening.  This was the dinner menu.  It certainly looked good!

The Starters

Beef Kebab.

Thai style prawns.

Buttermilk Fried Chicken, not very healthy but nice!

Vegetable Pad Thai.  Well, this wasn't too good.

Sirloin steak oscar.




The time was now 7:35pm.

RCTV On air

The Royal Promenade in the evening.

This going for $69.99 USD.

Promenade Cabins

Thanks for viewing!

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