
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Rome Part 2 - Day 2 Colosseum, Roman Forum, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps

Rome, Italy - Colosseum

The next day, after breakfast, we headed out.  The first stop was the Colosseum.  To get there, we took the Metro.  The Quod Libet B&B was very near the Ottaviano station.

Be wary that there are many pickpockets, especially on the underground.  We were advised to move to the first or last carriage, and watch our belongings very carefully.  As we were in Rome during the off-season, the trains weren't too crowded.  However, there were still pickpocketing attempts on my wife, in the Colosseum!

The Metro system in Rome is simple.  They do not have many lines.

We got the Colosseum quite easily.  There was a line for the tickets, but it moved rather quickly.

This was probably what the Colosseum looked like, 2,000 years ago.  I read that the Colosseum could seat 50,000 spectators.  That time, only men attended, I think.

A lot to read, if you wanted to.

We head outside.

A mixture of ancient and modern.

The stone look original.  Not sure about the red bricks on the left.  Those were probably put in place to support the stone structures?

It was a grand place, 2,000 years ago.  Most of the top parts have fallen down.

Colosseum, or the ruins of.

You could see the basements too.  Wonder what they kept there.  Fierce lions?

The amount of work that must have been put to restore and keep this place standing over the centuries must have been quite crazy.

Walking around the 'upper deck' of the Colosseum.

A big place.  Look down from the 'upper deck'.

We were told that pickpockets did not operate within paid attractions.  We were wrong.  So please be careful.

Hear the roar of the crowds, egging the gladiators on.

There was a big cross.  We would go there a short while later.

An archway.

Many tourists taking photographs.  Beware, you are very vulnerable when taking photographs to pickpockets.  Attempted pick-pocket on my wife by a group of men who dressed and looked like bona fide tourists.  I think they target ladies with bags that are strapped over the shoulder.  This is what happened.

One of these men approached by wife, put his camera in her face and asked her to help him take a photo.  It was done in such a way that it seemed almost rude to refuse him.  Then, as she tried to take his photo, another chap would walk past right in front of her pretending to block the way.  I think this same chap or yet another chap would then perform the sleight of hand, to try to take her wallet from her bag.   Fortunately, he didn't manage to take anything.  Beware!

Later on, we were to meet the same group at the Trevi Fountain.  Beware of anybody asking you to help them take a photo, especially if you have a bag or if your wallet is located in a vulnerable place, like your back pocket.

Alright, we were done with the Colosseum.  This was outside.  A bright day, though it wasn't too warm.  Still, better than raining!

A lot of work has been done to keep this standing.

Now, we head over to Palatine Hill, from the Colosseum.   Rome has its origins on the Palatine.

This looks like an old church.

Columns, still standing.

A view of the Colosseum, from opposite.

See the restoration work on the left side.

Thankful that we went early.  Look at the crowds building up at the entrance on the left side.  So, remember to go early.

This was the Temple of Venus and Roma.

Here is a map of the Palatine Area.  The Colosseum is on the right.

This looked rather grand.

Yet another temple - Temple of Antoninus and Faustina.

You can see a Church inside the pillars.

Fascinating view.

The famous and iconic 3 pillars.

A closer look.   You can see the modern fortifications at the base.  Without those, the pillars would have collapsed years ago.  This must have been a very grand place 2,000 years ago!

Wonder what the inscriptions say.

Other random pillars?

A lot of tourist traffic.  Again, beware of pickpockets!

A useful description to give a perspective of what happened over time.

Some pictures of the surroundings.


This was believed to be the symbolic center of the city.

Alright, we have left the place and we plod on.

These buildings, of course, were not built 2,000 years ago.

Wonder who the chap on the horse was.

It was time for lunch.  We stopped at a cafe and got some food.

My set meal came with a drink.  I chose Heineken.

This was the Brushchetta - very Italian.

Some meat with salad and also a pizza.

These were the set menus.  Nothing fanciful.  Just some food to fill the stomach.

A closer look at the menu outside.

We kept walking and now we arrive at another attraction - Pantheon.   This is one of the best preserved of all Roman building and has been in continuous use since 2,000 years ago.  Amazing stuff.

And the light comes in.

Again, beware of pickpockets.

This was the Tomb of Raphael.

After the Pantheon, we walked on and we reached Piazza Navona.

This was the Fountain of the four Rivers with Egyptian obelisk, in the middle of Piazza Navona.

The same fountain with an Egyptian column.

Our next stop was the Trevi Fountain.  On our way there, we passed by this gorgeous departmental store.

It looked very upmarket.  We didn't stop to shop.

And we have arrived at the Trevi Fountain.  It was very, very crowded.  Be very careful!  Pickpockets all over the place.

Many tourists taking photographs.

From the Trevi fountain, we walked to the Spanish Steps.  A curious place.  People just sat down.  Wonder why.

Sitting on steps.  Everybody's pastime.

Short video of the Spanish Steps

Alright, we managed to find some time to do shopping.  This was my wife's favourite shop in Italy.

After a long day of walking, it was time for some dinner.  We went to an Italian restaurant that was recommended by the chaps at the B&B.

Some spaghetti with mussels.

Some Lasagne.

Grilled small lobster like stuff?  Tasted ok.

This was after the meal.

After dinner, time to sleep and then make our way to the cruise ship the next day.

Thanks for reading!

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