
Monday, October 7, 2013

Qantas Flight Boeing 767 Brisbane Airport to Sydney 2002 (Pictures of Brisbane and Sydney!) [Part 1]

I was looking through my photo archives and I uncovered this gem of a set.  This was taken in late 2002, more than 10 years ago.

We were in Australia, Brisbane. Earlier on, we also toured the Gold Coast.

We were now catching an early morning flight from Brisbane to Sydney.

This was on the tour coach.

Tour coach.

Tour coach, on the way to the airport.  Australian bus drivers were extremely professional.

At the airport.

Posing for a picture with a Qantas plane in the background.

Another plane.

At the aerobridge.

Turns out that we didn't have an aero-bridge that morning.


Look at the ground crew in shorts.  Very cool.

The boarding was from the rear door.  Wonder why.

Maybe there was no space in front.  This was a Boeing 767.

Another plane taking off.

I had a window seat and starting taking many pictures.

Another plane.


Off the ground.

Into the air!

Goodbye Gold Coast!

We are flying.


Up, up

Up, up and away.

You could see the terminal.

It was a very clear day.

Nice angle.

Managed to catch this picture as the plane made a sharp right.  Look at the size difference of the two aircraft at the aero-bridges.

This must have been Gold Coast?  (Not sure!)

Beautiful view of the city.

It felt as if the pilot was taking us on an aerial tour.


It was a short flight, about 1 hour.  So we only got this snack box.

Please continue on to Part 2, where I have pictures of flying over Sydney and Landing!

Alternatively, check out my Celebrity Silhouette Mediterranean & Adriatic Seas Cruise in Nov 2013!

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