
Saturday, September 28, 2013

AirAsia Flight to Bangkok, June 2013

Here are some pictures from the first time we ever flew with AirAsia.  This was in June 2013, when we took a short holiday to Bangkok.

Changi Airport, Terminal 1.

Check in counter.

No crowds when we checked in.  This was rather unusual and even the check-in staff told us so.  Be prepared for long lines at Changi for AirAsia.  This low cost airline is doing very, very well!

Terminal 1.  Recently revamped.

Terminal 1 departures.

Flights to Bangkok were operated by Thai Air Asia.  Same brand, but they have different companies.
Black leather seats.

FA showing us how to fasten seat belt.

Plane in the air.

Arrival at Don Muang.

See, all the AirAsia Flights.  Almost felt like Don Muang was an Air Asia Airport. (AAA)

Flight back from Bangkok to Singapore - Thai Air Asia uses Don Muang Airport, which is the old international airport.  We had to bus to the plane.  It was a very interesting experience, though I wonder what the situation would be like if it were raining!

What was everybody looking at?  Well, there was a plane on the runway, about to takeoff.

The livery is upbeat.  Check out the guy in red under the plane.   It almost looks like he was trying to help hold up the airplane!!

Onboard, here was the menu, in Thai Baht.  The food is not expensive, for plane-food.  Actually, compared to FlyScoot, the food here is cheap!

The Nasi Lemak tasted very decent.

I enjoyed it!

The flight from BKK back to Singapore was 2.5 hours.  Enough time for a nap.

Approaching Singapore, but this bridge isn't Singapore.

Safe travels everybody!

More reviews:
1) Check out the Big Yella Fella at FlyScoot (Sydney to Singapore)

2) Care for the Austrian Arrow? (Helsinki to Vienna)

3) Evergreen Shanghai to Hong Kong on Cathay Pacific.

5) Here comes DragonAir! (Shanghai to Hong Kong)


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