
Saturday, July 21, 2018

New Sony RX 100 VI (Mark 6) Videos and Pictures

Bought a brand new Sony RX 100 VI.  This compact camera is a very well known camera, for its quality and compactness.  I owned a Sony RX 100 II and used it for many years.  But in recent times, I used other cameras, until the RX 100 VI came out and I decided to jump back in!

I will put some of the videos and photos I have taken on this blog page, to give readers a sense of the capability of this camera.  Bear in mind, it is after all a compact camera (albeit an expensive one), so you can't expect it to perform wonders.  But I like it precisely because it is compact.

This video, taken in the Buona Vista area, shows you the zoom capability.  The RX 100 VI comes with 70mm to 200mm zoom, which is about 8.3X optical zoom.

NO ZOOM, 70mm
Here are some photos to show you the extent of the zoom.

Zoom fully deployed at 200mm.  Pretty cool isn't it?

Another test of the zoom.  NTU club in the distance
Zoom fully deployed 200mm.  You can clearly see the NTU Alumni Club signage.

Ghim Moh Market Zoom Zoom
National Day was around the corner, check out the any Singapore flags!

Singapore Flyer and Marina Mandarin.
Here are more videos of the zoom capability.

SONY RX 100 VI in low light.

Unboxing the Sony RX 100 VI

Thanks for watching!

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Durian and more Durian! Let us FEAST on the King of Fruit

Let us feast on the King of Fruit! Durian season is here again. In 2018, there is a bumper crop from Malaysia.  Plentiful durian supply, and hence the price has come down.  At this store in Clementi Town Centre, the Mao Shan Wang durians were selling for $12/kg.

Here are 2 videos taken on consecutive weekends.  Business was brisk.  There were many onlookers too. Watch the guys expertly opening the durian.  Onlookers were salivating.

Another video of the same store in Clementi.

Do I eat durians?  Well, yes, but I don't buy them.  I just eat them when my fellowship group decides to do a durian party.

Yet another Durian party, this time from 2015. How time flies, we have durian parties every year! (Since durian season comes every year.)
