
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Nasi Lemak Burger McDonalds Celebrates National Day 2017 - Pasir Panjang 99 Bends Night Ride

I try the McDonalds Nasi Lemak Burger.  The first reaction was - what?  Well, I only found out about this burger from some social media reports, as well as reactions from friends on Facebook.  So I decided to try it, since it was so novel.

How was the experience?  Not bad.  Worth a try, especially if you are a Nasi Lemak fan.  If you don't like Nasi Lemak, then no point.  Here is the video I made.

What's the big deal, you may ask?  Well, prior to this, nobody associated Nasi Lemak with a burger.  Why?  Nasi Lemak is a Malay fragrant rice dish cooked with coconut milk.  When you think of Nasi Lemak, you think of rice.

Which begs the question - Nasi Lemak Burger?  The name itself is a bit of a contradiction.  Nasi means rice in Malay.  So where is the rice?  Maybe precisely because it is so counter-intuitive, nobody has tried to make Nasi Lemak in a burger form before, until now. And, this must account for the great interest.  Usually, nobody is really very interested in burgers, well at least in Singapore.

We are not really a burger nation.  But now, with this Nasi Lemak variation, it has really opened our eyes to many new possibilities. Put the two most unlikely food together, and you can actually get something that works!  So, thank you McDonalds for teaching us a larger lesson in thinking out of the box.

Since we are on the topic of Nasi Lemak, here are some other Nasi Lemak videos that I have made in the past.

Nasi Lemak @ 35,000 Feet Singapore Airlines Business Class
Privileged to fly in SQ Premium cabins, and on this flight, I had Nasi Lemak for breakfast.  It was a heavy breakfast, and certainly I was very full thereafter! 

Pak Nasser Nasi Lemak - Air Asia
On another Airline, this time low-cost.  Air Asia!  I had the Pak Nasser's Nasi Lemak.  Very good for airplane food.

Adam Road Nasi Lemak @ Orchard ION
This place was called Crave. Supposed from Adam Road Nasi Lemak fame.  The food was decent.  I have had their Nasi Lemak several times.

Qiji Nasi Lemak (with Chicken Cutlet)
This foodstore called Qiji serves decent Nasi Lemak too.  In this instance, I chose the Nasi Lemak with chicken cutlet version. Good!

Enjoy your Nasi Lemak! Oh, almost forgot, below are the videos of the 99 Bends ride.

Riding uphill - from Pasir Panjang, towards Kent Ridge.

Coming back, this is downhill. Didn't need to pedal much, just let gravity do its work.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

National Day Parade Song 2017 - Because It's Singapore

National Day Parade 2017.  The theme song this year is 'Because Its Singapore'.  A bit cheesy, but then again, National Day songs are such.

With NDP 2017 round the corner, rehearsals are in full swing. Here is a helicopter flypast, with the state flag.

F-15SG bomb burst, right over a rainbow!  Very awesome sight!.

Go Singapore!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

38 Oxley Road Exhibition 2015 Will of Lee Kuan Yew

So much has been said about the recent squabble between Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his siblings.  This fight has made news all over the world, and Parliament devoted 2 days to debate it.

Recall that there was this issue of the Estate of Lee Kuan Yew loaning items to the NHB for some public exhibition, and the requirement by the Estate to show the first part of the now-famous 'demolition clause'?  Well, how many people actually visited that Exhibition?

Turned out that there is this youtube movie showing viewers what this exhibition was about, as well as the famous clause and how it was displayed!

Screenshot - Scale model of 38 Oxley Road

Here is the video.  Happy watching!

Let's hope the saga blows over.   Not doing Singapore any good.