
Sunday, December 28, 2014

NCL Jade - Greece and Turkey Cruise - Pre-Cruise in Hotel Traghetto, Civitavecchia

Pre cruise, we stayed one night at Hotel Traghetto in Rome Civitavecchia. We also ate at the pizza place next door. I made two videos to show you the experience.

Hotel Traghetto 
A good clean hotel that I would recommend. Complimentary Wi-Fi. Continental style breakfast with very good coffee. The biggest plus point is that the hotel is very, very near the cruise port shuttle pick up. This video will show you more.

Mastro Titta Pizza
We arrived quite late at the hotel and we did not wish to venture too far. The reception told us that there was a good pizza place just next door to the hotel so we decided to eat there. It was not bad. Rather charming place but watch that scary flight of stairs!

Some pictures to share before we continue. This was taken outside Hotel Traghetto, Rome Civitavecchia, where we stayed one night pre-cruise.
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This was the only lift (elevator) in the hotel. It is not big, but works.

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Our family room, costing 120 Euros per night. Not sure if the rate goes up during Summer. We were here in winter and I think the hotel was largely empty.
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View from the small balcony of the room. We were on the first floor and you could see the junction very clearly.
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Post 5 We had a late dinner at the pizza place next door called Mastro Titta Pizza. Some pictures. The menu. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Freshly baked pizza. We ordered too much for the six of us. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

More pizza. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

NCL Jade Cruise - More Cruise Videos of Ship

On this page, I post more videos of the experience we had during our 10N Norwegian Jade Cruise to Greece and Turkey.

The pool area of Norwegian Jade and the Centrum

The sail away part, which was quite happening!

This was Day 2, sea day.  We pass quite close to Mt Stromboli.

Back to the landing page.

Athens, Greece; Port of Piraeus, NCL Jade Cruise (Acropolis, Aeropagus)

This was Day 4 of our 10N cruise, out of Rome, to ports in Greece and Turkey. Today, we call at the port of Piraeus, for Athens,Greece.

This is a 2 minute snippet movie of what we did in Athens.

Detailed Review
Athens has such a long, rich history and so much has been written about it. Athens is one of the world's oldest cities, having been inhabited for thousands of years. Her recorded history spans 3,400 years - that is just mind-boggling.

I shall not even try to pretend that I know very much but let's just say that reading the history of Athens and walking through her streets gives one a great perspective of time and space. It is humbling, to say the least. Even more humbling would be to visit some of the places whereby apostle Paul would have preached.

When we prepared for this visit, my wife did the work of researching and we ended up booking a driver for the day from pktravel ( Our driver was Dimitris. The service was excellent & I would recommend them if you are considering a private tour.
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Change of Guard Ceremony video - Check out their slick moves with bon-bon shoes 

Our next stop, was a viewpoint on the way up to Mt Lycabettus. This was our ride for the day and the driver, Dimitris, a real fun guy to talk to.  Dimitris shared with us that he was formerly a navy diver with the Greek navy.  He was a military man. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

A closer look at the side of the van. We love guiding, we love Greece! Nice tag-line. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The weather today was good and it would get better. We were blessed, this is winter. It could easily have rained. The views from this lookout were breathtaking. See the Acropolis in the distance. We would be headed there later.
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After taking in the views, Dimitris drove us up the hill a bit more, till we reached a place where the vehicle could no longer ascend. He then said that we could walk the rest of the way up to the top of Mt Lycabettus, but make sure to take the exact same path back to the van. If we took the wrong path, we would end up on the other side of the Mountain and won't be able to meet him!

So we took a leisurely walk up. Some of the steps were fairly steep and it would have been rather slippery, had it been wet. So be careful if you want to do this climb.
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The climb was definitely worth it. Check out the views from the top. There was a church up there as well as a restaurant. Both weren't opened yet when we were there. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Even though the restaurant wasn't opened, the toilets were! So we all took a toilet break here, before heading back to the van. On the way back, we saw the funicular train. I think it started at 9AM and departed every half-hour. So it wasn't very frequent. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Temple of Zeus
Our next stop was the ancient Temple of Zeus. It didn't take long to get there, at most 15 minutes. Dimitris advised us to buy the 12 Euro combined ticket for the Acropolis at the entrance ticket booth and that would also give us entry to this temple. Great idea. We spent about 20 minutes looking at the temple ruins, which were the remaining columns. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our next stop was the first stadium of the modern Olympic games. This place was just a 3 minute van ride from the Temple of Zeus. The stadium was made completely of marble. We didn't enter, just took photos from the outside. This was like the gift shop. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

After this, we would be headed to the Acropolis - definitely the highlight of the day. Before we go there, check out the video I made of the trip so far.

This was the cover of the report of the 1896 Summer Games, officially known as Games of the I Olympiad. Only 241 atheletes from 14 nations participated, but already it was considered a great success. Today, the Olympic legacy lives on, with about 10,500 competitors from 204 nations competing in the 2012 Summer Games.
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Panathenaic stadium sign, from the outside. The stadium was reconstructed from the remains of an ancient Greek stadium and the only one in the world built entirely by marble from Mount Penteli. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Our next stop would be the highlight of our day in Athens, the famous Acropolis! We saw the Acropolis from Mt Lycabetttus earlier that morning and we had bought our combined tickets for the Acropolis (12 Euro adult) from the ticket station outside the Temple of Zeus. All this created great anticipation. Buying the tickets at the Temple of Zeus where there were no lines for tickets also saved us some time. Good suggestion by Dimitris!

The Acropolis is an ancient citadel located on a flat-top rock, 150M above sea level, with a surface area of about 3 hecares or 7.5acres. Earlier, we were at Mt Lycabettus, 277M above level, however the top surface area was not very big.

The site contains several ancient buildings of great historical and cultural significance. The most famous was the Parthenon - a former temple dedicated to the godess Athena. The Parthenon is regarded as an enduring symbol of ancient Greece, Athenian democracy and even western civilisation.

The Elgin Marbels (or Parthenon Marbles, a collection of ancient Greek classical scriptures) were controversially removed by the 7th Earl of Elgin in 1806 and sold to the British Museum in 1816.

Check out the video I made of our visit to the Acropolis. Thank God for the beautiful weather on that day.

This was the entrance to the Acropolis, where we would have to walk up. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The views as we walk up. Gorgeous day Image and video hosting by TinyPic

There was a lot of restoration work going on, which is inevitable given how old these structures are. We couldn't go into the Parthenon, so we had to admire the structure from the outside. Hopefully tourists can enter the Parthenon in the future. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

There was a good crowd here, even though it was winter. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This was the view point where tourists congregated to take photos. It is a raised platform and the space on that platform was not very big. You could get excellent views of Athens from there, as well as views of the Parthenon. However, please be very careful with your belongings especially when you are in crowded places. Congestion of tourists is the best place for pickpockets to operate and there are very sophisticated pickpockets in Athens. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Another view of the Parthenon columns. You can literally see the restoration work going on. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

We spent about an hour taking in the sights from Acropolis. Then we head down and found our way to the Areopagus. Here she is. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The Areopagus is the site of the famous Areopagus sermon by Apostle Paul, as recorded in Acts 17:16-34 of the Bible.

Acts 17:16 - "Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatory."

Having now visited the Acropolis, I can start to appreciate the meaning of "the city wholly given to idolatory". Imagine the splendour of the grand Acropolis back then!

Paul was moved by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel of Jesus and the resurrection. Paul went to the synagogue and had a dispute with the Jew, and with other devout persons, philosophers and pagan worshippers.

Acts 17:19 - "And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is?"

At Areopagus, who did Paul address in his famous sermon?

Acts 17:22-23 - "Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."

A most remarkable observation. Mankind would rather worship unknown Gods than the true God and saviour. Paul goes on to explain,

Acts 17:24-25 - "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;"

Eventually, Paul called on the people to repent,

Acts 17:30-31 - "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent; Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."

Jesus had died on the cross for all of mankind's sins. Repent!

Imagine Paul standing at this point, preaching to the pagans. I stood there too, but I didn't do any preaching. The weather was great and I was certainly brought back almost 2,000 years in time.
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Who was Paul addressing when he gave the famous sermon? This picture is a reproduction of a painting by Raphael 1515, depicting Paul delivering his sermon on the Aeropagus. From the Bible, we know that Paul was preaching to Judges as well as senior religious people. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Well, we had to move on with our tour. By now, it was about noon, and we were feeling hungry. It was time for lunch!

This video shows you our lunch and the New Acropolis museum.

We met up again with our driver. He dropped us off at one end of Adrianou Street (37.975731, 23.724949), it was like a small bus interchange. Dimitris advised us to walk along Adrianou street as there were many restaurants and cafes where we would get some food. It was by chance that we ate at the restaurant Kotoli.

We walked along the street, for about 400M, and we came to Kotoli.(37.975731, 23.724949 - type these co-ordinates in Google maps to get the exact location)

The restaurant - Kotoli. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

We ordered 2 platters from the menu (large platter and seafood variety, 26 Euros each), a Greek salad and some drinks (including 2 Greek beers, diet coke and a cafe latte). Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Greek beer tasted really good after walking the entire morning. Cheers! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This is what the seafood platter (26 Euros) looked like. All the items were fresh of the grill and tasted lovely. There was so much to eat! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

We had a fabulous meal and they even gave us complimentary dessert (a scoop of strawberry ice-cream) as well as a shot of some very flavourful and sweet Greek spirit. The bill came up to 82.90Euros.

After the meal, we met up with our driver again and went to the last stop of the day, the New Acropolis museum. The museum was fascinating because they built it on top of Byzantine ruins. Apparently, when they were excavating the foundations for the museum, they found a large Byzantine complex, including beautiful mosaics. In order to preserve the archaeological site, they erected columns to build the new Acropolis museum, while creating enough space below so that excavation works could continue. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

We spent about an hour at the museum, before heading back to the ship. We got back to the ship at about 3pm. Overall, it was an excellent day in port.

We bade farewell to Dimitris, our driver. He impressed us with his passion for his country. It was fortuitous that I managed to record down his spontaneous response to our question. Watch this video again, to get what I mean.

Back on the ship, I did a video while on the sun deck, watching passengers enjoying the pool. There was also three vessels from the Greek Navy (Hellenic Navy) docked beside the Norwegian Jade. (One frigate, one fast attack craft and one submarine). Here is the video.

Thanks for reading and visiting my blog!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Emirates Rome to Dubai to Colombo to Singapore, with Airport Hotel stay at Dubai International

In these videos, I show you our journey from Rome to Singapore. We fly from Rome to Dubai, stay some hours at the Airport Hotel, before an onward flight from Dubai to Singapore, via Colombo.

Video 1 - Rome to Dubai

Video 2 - Dubai to Singapore via Colombo

Lines at the Economy Class boarding, even before boarding commenced. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

My seat for this flight was 46H, in the front most section of the Economy Class cabin. The aircraft interiors looked and felt very new. Leg room was good. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The aircraft interiors looked and felt very new. Leg room was good. Image and video hosting by TinyPic The flight itself was smooth and departed on time. Since the air traffic at Rome was so light, there was no issue of congestion on the ground. In the air, as this was a day flight, most passengers did not sleep. The inflight entertainment system was superb, as usual.

 Many movies to watch. I also like the cameras on the IFE system very much. This is a feature that is not available on SQ. My kids got no sleep during this flight. They either played games or watched movies for the entire time. The main meal served not too long after take-off was dinner. This was the menu.
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This was what one of the rooms looked like. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Dubai to Colombo to Singapore The plane would be the Boeing 777-300ER
Image and video hosting by TinyPic This was another Boeing 777-300ER plane at the next gate. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

This was our first B-777 on Emirates as all the earlier flights were on their A380s. Our seats were right at the rear, where the plane fuselage narrowed and the seats were in a 2-4-2 configuration. I was at Seat 48B
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The flight time from Dubai to Colombo was just under 4 hours. Smooth flight with good food and service on board. Breakfast was served on this leg. I chose the Chicken Curry option and it came with Roti Pol, or a thicker form of Roti Prata (plain). It tasted very good.

I watched the scenery as we landed into Colombo. Thick vegetation. Temperature on the ground was 30 deg C. I have never been to Colombo but that place has a long history too, due to its strategic location at the cross roads of trade routes between East and West.

When the plane landed, we were informed by the cabin crew that passengers heading to Singapore could not get off the plane. This was a strict rule with no exceptions. I noticed that about half the plane alighted, which means half of us from Dubai had our final destination as Singapore.

The transit on the ground was approximately 1hr 30 minutes. Wow, we were going to be stuck on the plane for 90 minutes. Oh well, let's make the best of it. The good thing was that the In Flight Entertainment system was turned on all the way. Many passengers continued to watch movies but I was certainly getting restless.So what happened during the 1.5 hours?

Ground Crew Came Onboard Preparing Seats
Ground crew came on board to clear the rubbish and prepare the cabin for the next flight. It was interesting to have a half-full plane watching the ground crew work, but the ground crew looked like they were used to being watched. As mentioned earlier, only half the plane alighted. The rest of the passengers stayed onboard and we were not allowed to get off.

Rear Door Opened - Catering Activity
As I was seated near the rear of the plane, I heard a lot of activity going on, so I went behind to take a look. The rear aircraft door was opened and a catering truck had pulled up to the plane. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

That made sense. The plane was taking on fresh supplies for the next flight as well as older trolleys were taken off. Since I had nothing better to do, I watched the ground crew do their work.

Cabin Crew ID cabin bags
Shortly after, there was an announcement that cabin crew was to begin identifying cabin buggage. Huh? Oh, the idea was to positively ID all overhead cabin baggage to make sure that all remaining baggage on board belonged to passengers that were still on board. That made sense, from a security perspective. This was done very efficiently.

A short while after, the plane began boarding new passengers. The flight was full. Every seat was taken. Emirates certainly has good business. The doors closed and we were on our way again, this time to Singapore. Flight time was 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Again, it was a very smooth flight. The lunch served was very good too! I had some chicken with fried rice. My kid had spaghetti plus lots of stuff to eat like Kit Kat. The food came onboard in Colombo, so the quality of catering was pretty good too.

Overall, it was a good flight. The cabin crew had to work doubly hard and I didn't envy them. They had to do a lot of work and the total flight time was 9.5 hours (Dubai to Singapore,including Colombo). The cabin crew were cheerful and professional throughout. Kudos to the multi-national Emirates crew!

We landed in Singapore on time. Overall, the time from Dubai to Singapore took 9 hour 30 minutes, compared to about 7 hours if you flew direct and non-stop (Singapore to Dubai).

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pizzeria Napoli in Bocca, Naples, Italy

Pizzeria Napoli in Bocca.

We had read about this Italian pizzeria in Naples on TripAdvisor.  Apparently, it was very famous and quite highly recommended.  Therefore, while we were in Naples, we asked a cab driver to take us to the famous pizzeria which had 5 Euro pizzas.  In fact, for 5 Euros, you get a pizza AND a drink.

For the drink, you could choose from Italian beer, Coke, Coke Zero, Still Water, Sparkling Water, Fanta, Sprite and even Red or White wine.  Very good value.

The pizzas were freshly prepared.  There were only two choices, Margarita or Marinara.  Essentially, one was with cheese and one was without cheese. The pizzas were rather large thin crusted pizzas.  Two of such pizzas were enough for my family.

The place was near the cruise terminal, which allowed us to walk back rather easily. In my opinion, this place is definitely worth a visit to try out the pizza, if you are in the vicinity.

Check out the restaurant website -

Take note, we paid for the pizzas.  Not an advertisement here.  Check out the video.

Thanks for watching.

Emirates A380 Singapore to Dubai to London

We were off on a holiday! This time, we are flying with Emirates for the first time, flying on the A380.  It was going to be a very good experience.  Our destination was London.  We would have to fly Singapore to Dubai, have a 2.5 hour layover, before an onward flight from Dubai to London.

Flight video - Singapore to Dubai

The flight from Singapore departed at 9pm local time.  We would arrive in Dubai at 0100hrs local time.  The flight to London was 0310hrs local time.  Flight time from Singapore to Dubai was about 7 hours.  We experienced some delays getting into Dubai because the airspace was congested.  Our plane was put on a holding pattern for 30 minutes.  Maybe Dubai needs a new runway too!

After we landed, during our layover at Dubai International, we had burger and fries at Shake Shack. The burger was freshly prepared and tasted good.  After the burger, we had to make our way to the departure gates for the flight to London.  We had to take a shuttle bus.  The journey was quite long but we had a great view of the airport and the many big planes. Check out this video I made.

Video - Shake Shack Dubai and Airport Bus Ride

This video was for the flight from Dubai to London. Another good flight on Emirates.  The Economy class experience is certainly a superior one.

Flight Video - Dubai to London Flight

Even though the flight departed from Dubai slightly late, our arrival in London was on time.

I am Singaporean and I am a big fan of Singapore Airlines, having flown with them many times. However, I must say that the Emirates Economy class is as good, and in some ways, even better than SQ.

One clear example is that the Emirates In-Flight Entertainment system is better and more user-friendly.  It is a touch-screen (SQ's KrisWorld is not) and the screen is even larger than SQ's.  They also have the airshow (cameras to watch outside) and I like that very much.

Thanks for watching!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

PM Lee hosting Indonesian President Joko Widodo to Breakfast

Facebook Post by PM Lee Hsien Loong
Had breakfast with President Joko Widodo and his wife, Iriana, this morning. They were here for their son’s graduation from ACS(International). We had Selera Rasa Nasi Lemak from Adam Road and Roti Prata from Madras New Woodlands. See us tucking in! – LHL

(MCI Photo by LH Goh)

This is cool diplomacy.  Glad to see the two leaders enjoying a humble meal, from some of the best local hawker food in Singapore!

Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Salt Bar and Grill Executive Lunch

Salt Bar and Grill, Executive Lunch experience.

From the website,
"Salt grill & Sky bar by Luke Mangan brings Modern Australian cuisine to Singapore. Set at the highest point on Orchard Road, the restaurant and bar offers a setting that is stylish, relaxed, welcoming and showcases the best of Australian produce. The opulent and iconic ION building is the perfect platform to share Luke’s talent with Singapore."

I had the opportunity to have a good lunch at this upscale restaurant, located on the 55th floor of ION Orchard.  The views from the 55th floor were breathtaking.  ION Orchard was the tallest building in the immediate vicinity, thus we could get commanding views, 270 deg.

In the video, I show you the food that I had.  They included the Tea Smoked Quail, 200g Fillet (Beef) and Lukes liquorice parfait (the signature dessert).  The cost was $80++.  The food was of good quality, though not outstanding.  Come here for the views!

Thanks for watching.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

싱가포르 항공 비즈니스 클래스 체험 A380 (Singapore Airlines A380 Business Class)

싱가포르 항공 비즈니스 클래스 체험 A380

고급 비즈니스 여행을 즐길 수 있습니다. 싱가포르에서 런던이 비행에, 나는 가재를했다.쿡 서비스를 예약하세요.

그것은 멋진 경험이었다.

시청 해 주셔서 감사합니다.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Beijing 101 Sales Tactics

It sounds like this Beijing 101 applies high pressure sales tactics on unwitting customers. Such practices are not ethical.

Why would a 75 year old sign up for a $15,000 package? It is just illogical.  All she wanted to do was spend her $50 voucher.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lunch - Chinese Vegetable Rice and Malay Nasi Padang

Some of the food I had for lunch.  All jolly good!

Chinese Vegetable Rice

Nasi Padang - Malay Rice

Thanks for watching!

Portobello Mushroom Centerpiece of Fried Rice

Here is something my wife cooked for lunch for the family.  Portobello mushrooms are very delicious.  They cost $1 per piece from the market. Big and juicy!

Thanks for watching.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Making payments with coins in Singapore

Can you legally make large payments in coins? There have been recent articles about people and stores using large numbers of small denomination coins to make substantial payments.

One chap left $19,000 in 20cent coins in a car dealer's showroom. The coins were estimated to weigh at least 100 kg and reeked of fish!

Straits Times has reported that under the Currency Act, the following rules apply.

1) Any sum can be paid in coins with a denomination exceeding 50 cents; in other words a one dollar coin in Singapore since we do not have coins with a larger denomination.
2) 50 cent coins can be used for a sum not more than $10
3) Coins of a denomination lower than 50 cents can be used for a payment of a sum not more than $2.

It looks like this Mr Lester Ong has flouted the Currency Act since he used 20cent coins to pay a sum of $19,000. If he had used $1 coins, it would still be legal.

Which begs the question, why is there no limit in payment for $1 coins? Surely it is not reasonable to pay huge sums in $1 coins. In this case, you would need 19,000 of $1 coins to pay $19,000.

According to the MAS website, the new $1 coin weighs 7.62g each. So 19,000 of such coins would weigh 144.78kg!

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Canadian Gunman and New York Hatchet Man - What they have in common

Canadian Gunman led a troubled life.  He was a loner, a drug addict, a criminal, a drifter and lately, an Islamic radical.  He may have embraced religion as an attempt to 'scaffold a disintegrating life.' So far, the authorities have not found any accomplices, which is a relief.

In a similar vein, the New York hatchet man was a 'depressed recluse'.  Family members said he spent much of his time on his computer in his bedroom.  He was not married, had no children and no recent employment.  He was arrested 6 times in California in 2003-04.  He spent 3 years in the military but was involuntarily discharged in 2003, most likely due to drugs.

While it is a relief that there appears to be no larger group at work here, still the issue of the self-radicalised, lone wolf, has grown to be a significant threat.  This can happen anywhere and all societies should be prepared for this.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Southampton (UK) - Peppa Pig Land (Paultons Park) Part 1 - Post Cruise

Post cruise, just off the Adventure of the Seas.  Disembarkation was smooth and easy. We would be staying at the Southampton Premier Inn West Quay for two nights, before flying back to Singapore.

On the day of disembarkation, we pick up a rental car from the Enterprise Car Rental company which was located right at the port.  Because there were six of us, we rented an MPV.  Here was what we go, a Volkswagon Sharan.

After unloading our luggage, the plan was to visit Paultons Family Theme Park (Peppa Pig World!).   It was about a 20 minute drive from Southampton.  I navigated using a GPS.  This was the rental car parked at the Paultons Park car park.

Here is a short video clip of the Peppa Pig land.

Check your height here.  Children under one metre in height get in free.

Not many cars today.

No lines, which was a relief.  This was the ticket booth.

This was the entrance.

The park would close at 6pm today.  We got here late morning, so plenty of time.

Signages.  The main reason we were here was to visit Peppa Pig Land.  There were other rides too.

This heavy ball was actually rolling around, above water.  Pity I didn't take a video of it.

Some eatery selling food, but not many patrons.

My kids were too old for this.

Tiny Tots Town.

Gives you an idea of the prices at the restaurants.

Oh yes, we were in Peppa Pig Land, and Peppa Pig was out for a photo-shoot.

Nice flowers.

We took a ride on this later.

Yes, this ride.  Good view of the park from up there.

In the line for the ride.

Another balloon ride.

A view from the top.

That was the balloon ride.

I thought the roof was very interesting.  Thatched.  Reminded me of Norway.

Apparently it helps to keep the place cool.

Move on to Part 2